Collaboration Institutes

Organization overview

The Hyper-Kamiokande project is the world-leading international scientific research project hosted by the University of Tokyo and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan.

Hyper-Kamiokande International Collaboration

As an international research center for world-class researchers, researchers from many different countries around the world have joined the Hyper-Kamiokande to realize.

As of October 2023, about 600 researchers from 22 countries have participated in the experiment: Armenia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine, and the United States.

Institutional Board
M. Shiozawa (ICRR, Japan), F. Di Lodovico (KCL, UK)
Project Management Board

Charged with the management of the Hyper-Kamiokande project.

Chair: M. Shiozawa (ICRR, Japan)
F. Di Lodovico (KCL,UK), S. Moriyama (ICRR, Japan), T. Kobayashi (KEK, Japan), K. Hiraide (ICRR, Japan), M. Yokoyama (Tokyo, Japan)

Executive Board

Charged with collaboration management policies and approval of rules, etc.

Chair: F. Di Lodovico (KCL, UK),
M. Shiozawa (ICRR, Japan), S. Moriyama (ICRR, Japan), T. Kobayashi (KEK, Japan), K. Hiraide (ICRR, Japan), M. Yokoyama (Tokyo, Japan), T. Nakaya (Kyoto, Japan), Y. Itow (Nagoya, Japan), A. Konaka (TRIUMF, Canada) , L. Labarga (Madrid, Spain), E. Rondio (NCBJ, Poland), E.Radicioni (INFN-Bari, Italy)

Steering / Resource Board

Discussion on group resource allocation

A. Ioannisian (Yerevan, Armenia), H. Nunokawa (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), M. Hartz (TRIUMF, Canada), M. Malinsky (Charles, Czech), O. Drapier (IN2P3 – Ecole Polytechnique, France), V. Georges (Saclay, France), S. Roth (Aachen, Germany), L. Ludovici (INFN-Rome, Italy), K.K. Joo (Chonnam, Korea), Alejandro Kadsumi Tomatani Sanchez(Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico), Mohamed Gouighri (Ibn-Tofail University, Morocco), E. Rondio (NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland), Y. Kudenko (INR, Russia), C. Peña Garay (LSC, Spain), E. O’Sullivan (Uppsala, Sweden), A. Rubbia (ETH, Switzerland), D. Wark (STFC,RAL-PPD, UK), V. Aushev (Kyiv, Ukraine), M. Camillo (Virginia, US)

Technical Board

Coordinates the research and construction, etc.

Chair: K. Hiraide (ICRR, Japan)
Vice-chair: S. Playfer (Edinburgh, UK)

Far Facility Group: S. Nakayama (ICRR, Japan), Y. Asaoka (ICRR, Japan)
Far Detector Group: M. Yokoyama (Tokyo, Japan), C. Bronner (ICRR, Japan)
Physics/Software/Computing Group: M. Ishitsuka (TUS, Japan)
ND280 Group: F. Sanchez (Geneva, Switzerland), T. Kikawa (Kyoto, Japan)
IWCD Group: M. Hartz (TRIUMF, Canada), T. Nakadaira (KEK, Japan), P. de Perio(TRIUMF, Canada), S. Tada (KEK, Japan), M. Ishitsuka (TUS, Japan)
Beamline and Beam Group: K. Sakashita (KEK, Japan), M. Friend (KEK, Japan)
ND Facility Group: T. Nakadaira (KEK, Japan), T. Tsukamoto (KEK, Japan), S. Tada (KEK, Japan)
Integration Group: K. Okumura (ICRR, Japan)


February 14th, 2022

NCBJ in Poland, KEK and UTokyo sign MoU to promote Hyper-Kamiokande Project

UTokyo website
May 25th, 2020

The University of Tokyo and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the Japan-led Hyper-Kamiokande international scientific research project.

UTokyo and KEK Sign MoU to Promote Hyper-Kamiokande Project (UTokyo website)
January 31st, 2015

The Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR) of The University of Tokyo and the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the Hyper-Kamiokande project.

Memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the Hyper-Kamiokande project