
Apr. 1983
Kamioka Underground Observatory was established.
Jul. 1983
Kamiokande experiment started observation.
Kamiokande denied the simplest GUT as a result of proton decay search.
Feb. 1987
Kamiokande succeeded in detecting neutrinos from a supernova explosion.
Kamiokande observed a solar neutrino deficit.
Dec. 1991
The construction of Super-Kamiokande (SK) was started.
Jan. 1994
The construction of a computer building was completed.
Jun. 1994
The excavation for the SK detector was finished.
Apr. 1995
Kamioka Observatory which belongs to the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research(ICRR), was established.
Apr. 1996
SK experiment started observation.
Jun. 1998
SK discovered the atmospheric neutrino oscillation.
Jun. 1999
The long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment; K2K started.
Jun. 2001
SK discovered the solar neutrino oscillation.
Jul. 2001
SK started replacement of several hundred nonfunctional PMTs.
Nov. 2001
After replacement work, half of the PMTs were destroyed by a chain reaction
Dec. 2002
The Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to Professor Koshiba as a consequence of the major scientific results obtained at Kamiokande.
Dec. 2002
SK started observation with about 5200 inner detector PMTs.
Jun. 2004
K2K experiment confirmed the neutrino oscillation.
Nov. 2004
K2K experiment was finished.
Oct. 2005
The new PMTs were almost ready, the full reconstruction work began.
Jul. 2006
SK started observation with full complement of PMTs.
Sep. 2008
The new data acquisition system of SK was installed.
Oct. 2008
XMASS experiment started to construct the water shield tank.
Apr. 2009
The T2K experiment was started, the first off-axis neutrino oscillation experiment.
Oct. 2009
XMASS experiment started the commissioning run.
Nov. 2009
Proton decay lifetime limit published by SK exceeds 1034 years.
Mar. 2011
T2K was temporarily stopped by the Great East Japan Earthquake
Jun. 2011
Discovery of electron neutrino appearance in the T2K experiment
Jul. 2013
Measurement of electron neutrino appearance in the T2K experiment.
Mar. 2014
First indication of a difference between the solar neutrino flux during the night and day
Nov. 2015
2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics awarded to Prof. Y. Suzuki, Prof. T. Kajita and SK Collaborators, and Prof. K. Nishikawa and K2K/T2K Collaborators.
Dec. 2015
The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded Prof. Takaaki Kajita.
Jul. 2016
The T2K experiment represented the first CP violation search result.
Aug. 2017
The T2K experiment represented the indicate of CP violation by neutrinos at 95%.
Jun. 2018
SK started the upgrade work.
Jan. 2019
SK restarted the observation.
Feb. 2019
XMASS completed the data acquisition.
Feb. 2020
The construction of Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) was started.
Apr. 2020
T2K resulted restrict possible values of neutrino CP phase.
Aug. 2020
Introduction of Gadolinium into Super-Kamiokande and the start of new observations.
May 2021
The access tunnel excavation for Hyper-Kamiokande started and the groundbreaking ceremony held.

Inside of the Kamiokande detector

Completion of excavation a large cavity for SK.

Inside the detector during filling water.

The first operation of SK at 0:00 AM April 1st, 1996, which was started by the spokesperson, Prof. Yoji Totsuka.

Inside of the detector with a half density of PMTs.

Inside of the detector with full density of PMTs. All PMTs are covered with acrylic cases.

The XMASS detector with all PMTs mounted.

The candidate event display of the electron appearance discovered in the T2K experiment.

Super-Kamiokande upgrade work in 2018.

The access tunnel entrance of Hyper-Kamiokande.